[Revisions to the original Declaration of Independence highlighted in red.]
Declaration of Sexual Independence
ON THE WORLD-WIDE WEB, July 4, 2004.
The Declaration of a Free Society,
When in the Course of human
events, it becomes necessary for Enlightened
People to dissolve the binds of ignorance that
constrain them, and to reclaim their Rightful
Wisdom and Power on this Earth, that which the Laws of Nature and
of Nature's Supreme Spirit entitle them, a decent respect to the
dignity of their global family requires that they
declare the causes which impel them to the action.
We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all people are created
equal, that they are endowed by Nature with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness
through fulfillment of Desire. That to
serve these rights, Moral Codes
evolve among Peoples, deriving their
just powers from the consent of collective mind. That
to promote these rights, Social Customs derive therefrom. And that
whenever any Custom of Mind becomes destructive
of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Code and Custom, laying
its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form,
as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
Enlightened Fulfillment. Prudence, indeed, will
dictate that Customs long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shewn, that people are more
disposed to suffer, while suppression is
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to
which they are accustomed. But when a long train of
social weakness and disaster evinces failure of the Customs
to promote their Rights, it is their
further right, it is their duty, to throw off such
Custom and its parent Code, and to provide new
Social Models for their future well-being. Such
has been the patient sufferance of Society; and
such is now the necessity that impels them to
alter their former Codes and Customs. The history
of human moral codes is a history of repeated
repression of human desire. Its consummate restriction
is sexual desire, used as a proxy to sublimate all natural desire.
It is therefore a history of universal oppression and suppression,
directly undermining the very Rights they are intended to serve. They, the
Moral Codes and child Social Customs, the product of fundamental
self-denial, must therefore continually oppress, suppress, and repress
natural self-expression, whether of oneself, other persons and groups, or
entire societies. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid
They, the Codes and Customs, are used by
numberless governments to wage war on nations, invade and usurp homelands,
enslave peoples, oppress citizens in their own countries, set
up apartheid governments, deny sovereignty and statehood, establish puppet
regimes, spy on or otherwise subvert foreign governments, assassinate
foreign leaders, politically coerce countries, dehumanize prisoners of
war, steal resources from peoples, and to embargo, blockade, isolate or
otherwise economically manipulate and impoverish nations, in the name of
their own nationalism, and often under false guise of freedom, liberation,
sovereignty, and democracy.
They blindly defend indefensible government positions
and policies that endanger the welfare, safety, and
lives of their citizens, recklessly inciting terror, and using said terror
to foment further, unspeakable terror, putting the entire national
security at risk.
They act as crutches for governments in their own
nations to oppress, enslave, terrorize, and kill their own people; declare
martial law to suppress freedom; exile critics to prisons, concentration
camps, gulags, and frigid lands; stamp out race, culture, and religion;
starve peasants; steal lands; incite riots; waste in refugee camps; and to
discriminate, segregate, or otherwise deny civil rights.
They have through history fueled the fire of numerous
ethnic groups and nations to holocaust, genocide,
crucifixion, burning of crosses, lynching, torture,
feeding of men to lions, raping of women, slaughter of children,
pillaging, and other unthinkable cultural oppression.
They are
callously employed by business entities, economic institutions, and social
and political classes to deny opportunity, withhold capital, refuse
promotion, dispense unequal pay, profit from slave and child labor,
traffic in peoples, hold in involuntary servitude, promote class
separation, impoverish nations, and perpetuate third-world status on
entire continents.
They serve as bricks in walls nations build
to separate peoples, dividing even their own country.
They stifle the Human Spirit of men and women,
driving them from religion whose intent is to awaken it.
They conspire and contrive to convince humanity
that it is fallen from Grace, born of 'Original Sin', the instrument of
the devil, and destined and deserving to suffer.
They, in the form of guilt, shame, doubt, and fear,
are self-righteously used by religious 'leaders' to coerce
and manipulate governments and followers into
repression, in the name of God, and false heavens and hells.
They obscenely justify countless Crusades, Inquisitions, Jihads, Holy Wars,
hostage takings, bombings, and other terrorist acts.
They blasphemously justify proselytizing, mass conversion,
and denigration, subjugation, and extinction of indigenous faiths.
They alienate our youth, sour them on education, drive them
from tradition, encourage escape through drugs, and inspire rebellion in
They leave behind a void of unfulfilled desire that
inevitably explodes in anger, hatred, hostility, crime, violence, terror,
and war.
They serve as fodder for hate groups against race,
religion, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation.
They are used by 'religious' men to deny women places in ministry.
They feed false representations of sex as dirty, evil sin.
They suppress natural sexual expression,
leaving it to slink 'unseen' as ubiquitous pornography,
or erupt as rape, sexual violence, and other sex crime.
They underlie wide-spread sexual dysfunction and impotence,
and also the more subtle yet pervasive lack of sexual satisfaction, which
ironically breeds the sexual cravings, obsession, and addiction that those
same moral codes demonize.
They so repress natural sexual desire as
to drive 'religious' men to genitally mutilate girls and dismember
themselves in vain attempts to satisfy impossible mores in the name of
God, and impel even priests to homosexual child abuse.
They have falsely justified religious claims of heresy
against science, and even imprisonment and murder of such 'heretics'.
They have ignited passion for witch hunts,
and burning of women at the stake.
Historically, they have poorly excused public flogging,
hanging, beheading, drawing and quartering, tarring and feathering,
restraining in stocks, and branding with scarlet letters.
They have spurred ways of life that shun progress health,
and wealth, ostensibly in the name of God.
They breed personal and social apathy, and the
thought 'nothing to live for'.
They reduce ancient greatness of individuals,
cultures, and God to legend, myth, fantasy, fairytale,
hallucination, and insanity.
And at one time in history, eleven score and eight years ago,
those same oppressive moral codes drove waves of immigrants
to the shores of a new uncharted land named America, that
was dreamed as the freedom from all that, and that inspired visionary men
to forge a document Declaring Independence from governments legislating
that, but which has since fallen under the subtler governing spell of the
same enslaving mental apparition, waiting to awaken and remember its Destiny.
And unbeknownst to the main of Society, the false moral
codes and social customs that are a figment of the human mind have nearly
completely effaced from the earth the ancient wisdom that Desire is Sacred
&emdash; that far from tempting humanity away from Spirit, Desire is
our passion and means of connecting to It, and sexuality, being our most
innate and potent Desire, has the sublime power to unite us with Spirit in
Sacred Union, be a worldly expression of that on Earth, and free us
eternally from the false notions that rob life of its Sacred
Throughout history,
Society has spoken out against such ignorance, injustice,
and deceit. We have spoken against the hypocrisy of sexual
constraint. Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by
continued denial. A Moral Code whose character
is thus marked by continuing suppression
of Human Spirit, is unfit to govern
Enlightened People.
Nor have we been wanting in
appeals to legal Justice. We have petitioned time and again
to legislatures for statutory relief, appealing to their sense of Liberty,
and invoking our common heritage as Spiritual Beings. They too have
been deaf to the voice of justice and kinship. We
have lobbied for sexual freedom and received only endless platitudes,
and we reject them fully. We have examined their vain beliefs
and laboured reasoning, and we reject them fully.
Now We, the People of Society, comprehend that false moral
codes suppress Spirit, demean life, and divide peoples;
that they fail to promote our True Human Condition,
and when forced upon us, breed debilitating weakness and conflict.
Rather, Humanity is born for Higher Purpose,
achieved by Enlightened Desire, to attain Union and Harmony of Spirit. We attest
that pursuit of such Felicity, through the Fulfillment of Desire
of People everywhere, according to their Nature,
is their unalienable Right. In that Spirit we hold firmly,
that the only 'evil' is the Good we have yet to engender.
Let Men and Women everywhere eliminate evil by Fulfillment
of all Good Desire in the Heart, according to Nature.
We, therefore, the Children of Earth, appealing
to our Supreme Spirit for the
Truth of our intentions, do, in the Name, and
by Authority of Good People everywhere,
together publish and declare, That We
are, and of Right ought to be Free and
Enlightened Peoples; that are Absolved from all
Allegiance to tyranny of mind, false moral codes,
and constrictive social customs; that all
individual and social connection
with them is and
ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and
Enlightened Peoples, we have full Power to contract
Alliance with the Spark of Human Spirit in the Heart,
the Source of All Desire, and to do all Acts in accord therewith that
Enlightened People may of right do. And for the support of this
Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,
we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our
Supreme Desire, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
View the
Declaration of Sexual Independence
without highlighted revisions
View the
Original Declaration of Independence