Meet Your Sacred Sex Family
God, Goddess, god, & goddess
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2. Meet Your Sacred Sex Family Posted: June 29, 2004 |
Unlike conventional sex, sacred sex is a family affair.
No, that doesn't mean the whole family does sacred sex together. It means that through sacred sex, you develop a family-like relationship with creation and your Creator. This relationship binds together your spiritual and material life. It is the relationship through which you live a spiritual life in the material world.
Your family is comprised of two sexual couples:
God & Goddess - your spiritual parents
god & goddess - the true you
Why do you need to know your spiritual family? Because when you know each family member intimately, you gain sexual enlightenment. You can read all about the joy and practical value of this state in the Sexual Enlightenment Forum, and a concise definition of it in the Sacred Sex Glossary, but right now, let's see what your family's got to do with it.
Typically, we think of our spiritual relationship (if we think of it at all) in a 1-on-1 sense. Whether we're male or female, our spiritual relationship is between us and (typically) God. Some see their relationship to be with the Goddess. Either way, our relationship with our Creator commonly isn't as close as we'd like it to be. We wish we had deeper, clearer, and more exalted spiritual experiences. One of the reasons for this lack is that we don't know our family as well as we could.
When we know each family member, and the role he or she plays, our spiritual relationship becomes much clearer.
Before we get to the details of that, we should allay some religious and gender identity fears. First, your Divine family members - God & Goddess - do not contradict your current religious beliefs, if they are centered on a single God or Goddess. God & Goddess, as you'll see in a moment, are simply two aspects of the Supreme Being you already worship. Clearly understanding both aspects simply helps you strengthen your relationship with your Creator. Likewise, your worldly family members - god & goddess in you - do not make you androgynous, or in any other way compromise your gender identity. Seeing them both in yourself simply shows you how to harmonize your life with your Creator's.
So let's introduce the four members of your spiritual family.
God - God is pretty familiar to most people, at least as an idea if not an experience. We know Him as the Supreme Being. God doesn't do a whole lot -- He just IS. That's why we call Him 'Being'; to know God, we're told, we just have to BE. Of course, that's easier said than done, but that's because we haven't met the rest of the family, and learned their roles in all this. So let's move on to God's partner in sacred sex:
Goddess - Goddess is new for a lot of people. That's not because She hasn't been around; it's that we usually dress Her up as God in modern religion. You can say we make her into a cross-dresser, and indeed, that's one of Her traits -- She allows us, in our confusion, to veil, mask, and disguise Her, so that we don't know who She is or what She does. In modern religion, we typically disguise Her as God's Will; we attribute all acts of Creation to God, when they are in fact carried out by His Goddess. Not to shortchange God, His Goddess is not separate from Him; rather, She is His Nature. That's why we so easily mistake Her for God's Will. We even commonly call Her 'Mother Nature'. Every scientist accepts that nature is responsible for all activity in creation. Thus, the activity of the Goddess can be summed up in one word: evolution. This is important, because it clues you in as to how to develop your relationship with the Goddess.
A good relationship with the Goddess liberates you on two fronts. In the world, She helps you out in everything you do, allowing you to achieve more success with less effort. Spiritually, She clears up all your confusion that masks Her identity, and shows you Her highest Nature. There, in Her Inner Chamber, She lays you at the feet of Her Beloved God. Thus, Goddess gives you that tricky experience of just 'Being' that we mentioned earlier. She gifts you with God realization. For more on this primordial experience of God & Goddess, see How Sex Became Sacred.
The best thing about the Goddess is that everything is sex & desire with Her. Everything in creation evolves through the desire for self-expression and expansion. Desire always wants more -- to be infinite, to be whole. This desire for completion, for wholeness, is the core of sexuality. For more on the Goddess's inherent sexuality, see the Desire Forum.
For those who don't like the idea of God & Goddess, you can substitute Cosmic (or Universal) Existence and Cosmic Mind or Universal Intelligence. The name is not as important as the concept. Note however, while you can call them anything you want, it's essential that you acknowledge their existence. They are facts of life, whether you accept them or not. Universal Existence is easy to accept -- everyone acknowledges that the universe exists. We are simply speaking here of the fundamental plane of universal existence -- the basic building block of creation. We may not know exactly what it is, but we accept that it exists. As for Cosmic Mind, the proof of that comes with sexual enlightenment, and is given in the Sexual Enlightenment Forum.
god - god is the son of God. It is your individual identity or ego -- who you are. Like God, your ego doesn't do much itself, but it underlies, influences, and drives your personality from within. Unlike God's supreme non-changing identity though, your ego changes -- depending on how mature or evolved your ego is, you are better able to choose what brings real life happiness & fulfillment. Your ego is your sense of self; you live your life based on your self-image.
Obviously, you want the most highly evolved self you can have. But ego doesn't mature on its own -- it's just there. It needs a personality to grow through. That's where the last member of your spiritual family comes in, and why it holds the key to making your family work.
goddess - goddess is the daughter of Goddess. Like Goddess, she is nature -- not universal nature, but your personal nature. She is your natural personality. And just as creation evolves through universal nature - the Goddess - so do you grow through your personal nature. Also like the Goddess, the goddess in you is driven by desire. Desire animates and inspires your personality to act and achieve. Through that achievement, your ego evolves.
You know from experience however, that your actions don't always result in positive growth, or bring you closer to your parent God & Goddess. What then is the secret to bringing your spiritual family together?
The key is knowing more about your Mother/daughter relationship -- between Goddess & goddess. You must know that your Mother plants a part of Herself in you when you are born, that secures your place in the family. That part of Her is Her desire for you, which She plants in your heart as your own desire. Therein, you are forever linked to your Mother Goddess.
The secret to great relations with your Mother Goddess then, is to follow the desires of your heart. When you do that, you fulfill the destiny She has chosen for you - and that you have accepted through your own desire - and you grow to fulfillment and enlightenment. This is the subject of an entire Forum in itself, called Follow Your Heart.
This relationship between desire and evolution keeps life and your spiritual path fun. The idea of self-sacrifice or self-denial for spiritual gain stems from not understanding all of your family members and their roles.
As an aside, you may like to know that this is how Mother Nature carries out humanity's evolution on earth. By instilling in each heart a part of Her universal desire, each person on the planet plays a role in the larger evolution. For more on this, see the Sexual Enlightenment and Global Sexual Union Forums.
When your goddess follows the Goddess this way, she reveals God to you. That's when you fulfill your Father/son relationship, and see your individual being within Universal Being. You realize your god to be a ray of God -- self is part of Self.
This marks your most highly evolved ego state. From here, ego directs your personality to make ideal life choices that result in maximum good for yourself and creation. Note that your experience of god in God is neither extreme egotism, nor annihilation of your ego, as many believe. Rather, it is an ego partnership -- your ego is exalted and supported by Cosmic Ego (God), while at the same time serving the purpose of Cosmic Will (Goddess). It is like your parents' good name & standing supporting you when you carry on the family tradition. To understand why you needn't give up your ego for spiritual gain, see the Self vs. self Forum.
When you reach this state, your entire spiritual family - God, Goddess, god, and goddess - all dwell together within you in perfect harmony. You are completely self-sufficient for all your needs and desires. No one outside you controls your destiny.
Knowing the identity and roles of these four also explains why a person may have a problem-filled life -- they have a dysfunctional spiritual family. This begins with an estranged goddess. That means you've stopped following the desires of your heart, and instead live your life based on false standards. This may show itself in several ways. Perhaps you chase after money, power, social status, or other artificial goals. Or maybe you try to live up to the expectations of others -- family, friends, or society. Or you sacrifice what you want for some false morality, thinking you'll be rewarded later in life, or in an afterlife. All these paths lead goddess away from Goddess, and prevent Her from revealing God to god. Thus God & Goddess - your spiritual parents - are never known, and you roam through life as a disowned child, not receiving nurturing or support. Such people are even prone to deny that their spiritual parents even exist, because they have never seen them in their lives, nor benefited from them.
A healthy, functional spiritual family reveals the truth that you are made in the image of your Creator. You gain a glimpse into the divine workings of things. god & goddess are worldly replicas of God & Goddess. When you meet all the members of your spiritual family face to face, you get a taste of what it's like to be your divine parents.
It also means you see a bit of them in yourself. That's why, even if you don't see yourself as god & goddess now, you will when you meet your divine parents. They have a way of rubbing off on you.
Last, your spiritual family has healthy sexual relationships. God & Goddess, and god & goddess are each a couple in union. What you do (goddess) is not separate from who you are (god) -- they are inextricably linked, as are God and His Nature, the Goddess. Each member of these sexual pairs is as important as any other. Without any one, the other three can't live spiritual wholeness in a human body. To help you remember this, and your role in your spiritual family, God & Goddess have made you a gift. They have created a numerical formula representing your four-fold spiritual family, sexually paired in perfect harmony:
11:11 means god & goddess living in the image of God & Goddess, in sexual union.
You receive this gift when you act in harmony with your spiritual family. It is one of the ways that your spiritual parents tell you you're doing well.
When you make positive choices in life, or even when you realize it's time to change your old negative ways, your spiritual parents may send you a mini-message in the form of 11. Maybe you'll see the number on a billboard, in a newspaper, as a book page number, or on a price tag. Typically, it comes with an 'ah-ha' experience -- those epiphany moments in which your life becomes clear.
Just as often, you'll get a full-blown 11:11 reminder.
As you can see, 11:11 reads like time. When you make positive choices in life, or even when you realize it's time to change your old negative ways, your spiritual parents bring your attention to what time it is. You won't be thinking of 11:11; you'll just check the time like you do any other time. Only this time, it will be 11:11, and you'll know you've just stepped a little closer to a spiritual family reunion.
Consider it a sacred sex family heirloom.
Copyright 2005, Society for Sacred Sexuality - all rights reserved.
_________________ Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it. |
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russ Active User
Joined: 25 Dec 2004 Posts: 159 Location: Indianapolis
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Re: God/Goddess Posted: April 3, 2005 |
We are all, both men and women, innately bisexual. I am refering to our energetic reality not our sexual orientation.
Being innately bisexual energetically makes it possible for BALANCE to be realized. If we did not possess the inner opposite energy IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO REALIZE THIS BALANCE. REALIZATION of balance is the PREREQUISTE for spiritual growth. The more IN BALANCE one is, the finer, subtler, and more potent the energy which can access AND FLOW THROUGH us teaching us of the NATURE AND SUBSTANCE of the spiritual /physical world. One may be hyper male or female as well as hypo male or female. In either case bringing "the inner" to the fore front will moderate the outer OR strengthen the outer as needed.
Acknowledgement, acceptance and actualization of this innate bisexuality is the foundation for entering into Balance within oneself. Realization of male/ female, female/male BALANCE the fundamental goal of ALL spiritual practice ESPECIALLY TANTRIC KRIYA YOGA AND TAOISM in which realization / actualization of this bi-sexual nature is the means to ENLIGHTENMENT/ BECOMING ONE WITHIN ONESELF. This realization of UNITY/ONENESS is the basis for incredibly potent life creating/ sustaining unconditional love, mercy and compassion- BRINGING THE INNER TO THE OUTER AND THE OUTER TO THE INNER - becoming the normal state of being for men and women.
Sacred sex practice is vital in realizing the BALANCED/AWARE/ENLIGHTENED STATE OF BEING KNOWN AS bliss. _________________ To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu |
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Re: God/Goddess Posted: April 7, 2005 |
russ said: |
Being innately bisexual energetically makes it possible for BALANCE to be realized. |
YES! Great point, and it also means that sexual enlightenment - consciously realizing your male/female wholeness - is not gaining anything outside yourself -- it's REALIZING or REMEMBERING what you already are & always have been. _________________ Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it. |
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russ Active User
Joined: 25 Dec 2004 Posts: 159 Location: Indianapolis
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realization Posted: April 24, 2005 |
This is the truth which ALL Avatars, Masters and Teacher reveal. "Lo, look not here or there FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN YOU' is how Jesus "The Christ" expresses it. Yes , we already are "enlightened" however WE DO NOT REALIZE IT. _________________ To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu |
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Related Topic Posted: April 25, 2005 |
[There is a discussion related to this Forum about Carl Jung's ideas on male & female archetypes, which he labels 'Animus' & ' Anima' respectively.]
Those interested may view it here, in the Gender Identity Forum.
_________________ Society for Sacred Sexuality Board Moderator |
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