The Divine Feminine
Goddess in the House -- men, we are NOT alone
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3. The Divine Feminine Posted: June 29, 2004 |
One day, God decided to play the Supreme Joke.
He created man, whom He called Adam, and his helpmate, Eve. For awhile, He let them live in bliss in the Garden of Eden. When it was time for the joke to begin, God sent a snake with an apple, who whispered to Eve to tell Adam that if he ate the apple, he would become like God. She did, and Adam ate, and so was cast out of the Garden with Eve, who had eaten before him. God told Adam that he was cast out for eating the apple Eve gave him, and from that day on, Adam scorned women and their seductive power, rooted in sexuality & desire.
Generation after generation of man was born, each passing down Adam's scorn to the next, preaching it as the path back to Paradise -- the Garden of Eden. Women were persecuted, denied rights & respect, despised for their seductive temptations, and generally viewed as the bane of human existence.
After many thousands of years of problems, hardship, conflict, and warring, one man finally conquered all others and ruled the world. He pronounced himself 'King Adam', in honor of the primordial man. To redeem humanity, his first act on being coronated was to chain every woman to her room and cover her so she could never again tempt man with her sinful fruits. Her only role was procreation, and of course, cooking her husband's meals and cleaning his house. In this way, Adam sought to tame the source of man's evil desire.
When every woman on earth was thus subdued, King Adam, puffed up with pride, declared mankind redeemed, and fit for return to Paradise. Men everywhere hailed him as a hero, truly made in the image of God. They bade him go to God in heaven to call for re-entry into the Garden of Eden on behalf of all mankind.
Gladly, he accepted their charge.
And so King Adam mounted his golden chariot, drawn by winged steeds, and ascended to the Kingdom of Heaven for his date with destiny. As he neared the Pearly Gates, he quickly reviewed in his mind the situation on earth, for he knew that if even a single woman remained unfettered, mankind would be unworthy of Paradise, and he would be cast down. Satisfied that all were indeed suppressed, he approached the Gates. Sure enough, they swung open by Divine Providence, a clear sign to Adam that mankind was ready to receive its due.
As he entered the Great Hall of God, Adam saw two rooms with open doors, each emanating blinding Light. The room to his left was identified by a sign that said 'Operating Room'. He heard bustling activity inside, no doubt God's endless ruling energy. The Light was so blinding that Adam could not see in. He marveled at what must be in the chamber from which God runs the entire universe - effortlessly without a hitch - and was humbled by the awesome Power of that Supreme Being.
The room to his right was marked 'Viewing Room'. From here, Adam concluded, God must watch out over all His creatures, judging who's been naughty and who's been nice. Adam felt relieved that he had served his Lord well, and was now ripe to receive his just reward. His conviction was answered by a commanding voice from the Viewing Room: "Come in Adam, My son, in whom I am well pleased. I've been expecting you."
Adam's heart skipped a beat upon hearing of God's pleasure in him. As he approached the Viewing Room, he marveled even more that God could run creation flawlessly, even from outside the Operating Room. "Everything is automatic," he surmised in awe as he entered the Viewing Room door and stood in God's Light.
God dimmed the Light enough for Adam to see. "Adam," said God, "as you know I have given all my children Free Will to do as they please. Many are the things men choose to do with that freedom. You have chosen to fetter the desires of man and protect them from the temptations of woman, and I am well pleased."
Adam of course, was ecstatic to hear that all his long years of hard work were at last to be supremely honored.
God asked, "What do you request in reward for your subjugation of female seductions?"
Adam replied, "My Lord, on behalf of my kingdom, which spans the entire globe, I ask that all mankind be restored to the Garden of Eden."
"Very well," God replied, pointing to the Operating Room.
"Go ask your Holy Mother, My Beloved Nature - the 'Goddess' - to fill your request. She is Mother Nature, Granter of all Desire. She runs the show."
Now for the real punch line: this is no joke.
The above tale is closer to the truth than you may think. No, God doesn't play 'jokes' on man, but mankind has made a joke of God's creation by calling half of it - the female half, with all its seduction and desire - evil, and pitting the other half against it in an interminable war.
And yes, God IS well pleased with man, even in his ignorance, because God does not judge us as we think He does. He simply gives us the freedom to make a mess or a paradise out of our lives, and thereby suffer or rejoice in the condition we create for ourselves.
And most important, yes, there is a God AND Goddess (if you choose to use that terminology) at the source of creation. But they are not as distinct as you might think, which brings us to the epilogue of our Supreme Joke:
Adam staggers into the Operating Room, stunned at God's words. Standing before the Goddess - who is seductively wrapped by a snake - all he can muster is, "But He said He was well pleased!"
"Him?!" chimed the Goddess, "He's well pleased with everything. Ever since the 7th Day of Creation, He's been sitting in that Viewing Room looking out, saying, 'It's all Good, it's all Good'."
Still not satisfied, and clinging to the hope that male reasoning would somehow bail him out, Adam dragged himself back to the Viewing Room and blurted, "But how could You trust Creation to a woman?!"
"Why should I do all the dirty work?", God replied, "I just like to watch." And with that, God turned away from Adam to look out on creation as the Silent Witness of All. As God turned, He revealed to Adam the Hidden Back-Side of God.
To Adam's great amazement, he saw God has no back. Rather, there was another radiant face -- the Face of the Goddess, whom he had just seen.
Then God, facing away from Adam, finished His Divine Ruse. "Besides, I'm All-Seeing; it's not like She does anything behind my back."
The irony of the joke is that we openly accept the Goddess in principle, while vehemently denying Her in name. This is true whether we are scientific, religious, or simply common people.
For the common man and the scientist, the Goddess is nothing other than nature. We even acknowledge her femininity -- we call her 'Mother Nature'. And few question her awesome beauty and power, whether in the form of a supernova or a delicate rose, or the life-giving energy of the sun or the destructive power of earthquakes and hurricanes.
Scientists have an even clearer picture of Her. They recognize the order with which She governs the universe -- through the multitude of natural laws. They see the magnitude of Her Power at subtler and subtler levels of creation -- atomic, sub-atomic, etc. They understand how energy becomes matter through quantum mechanics, and even have a formula ( E=mc2 ) to show that nothing is lost in the exchange.
This is exactly as sacred sex science portrays Her. In sacred sex, the Goddess is both the energy and power of creation, and also its material form.
Scientists are even beginning to fathom how creation is born out of nothingness, a universal field of pure potentiality beyond all space and time. This Unified Field, as science calls it, simply IS. As the source of creation, it is referred to by the religious-minded as 'God'. From this field of pure potential, nature brings forth creation. It is a birth only a Goddess could pull off.
The only difference here between science and religion is that religion personifies the source of creation and its nature. Beyond this distinction of name - Unified Field & Nature vs. God & Goddess - they are the same. Both God and the Unified Field are the infinite eternal reality from which creation springs. Both nature and the Goddess are the energy and matter of creation, and the driving force behind its constant evolution.
If the Goddess is real, then why don't we see Her in Western religion? The answer is that the Goddess is in our religion, but through our patriarchal vision we fail to see Her. In fact, She is right in front of our eyes. But like the scientists, we give Her a different name.
Here though is where science and religion differ. Whereas science uses gender-free terminology, the patriarchal religionists offend every woman's honor. They take all traits of the Goddess and attribute them to their male Deity.
Yes, the Goddess is on every page of the Bible itself. What the Good Book calls God's Will is nothing other than His Own Nature -- that nature is what we call Goddess. The entire Bible centers on God's Will, yet nowhere is She acknowledged. And to the extent that Western religion accepts creation as the 'Body' of God, the Goddess is ignored for this trait too.
This point goes beyond mere semantics. It is not just attaching a feminine label to something that is really masculine. It's an expression of how we define life.
For those who haven't noticed, humanity is of two genders -- male & female. The male gender is known for its strength, stability, and support. He is 'there', like a rock. We define these as 'male' qualities. The female is known for her nurturing, beauty, change, and flow. She is a charming and seductive mystery, an enigma. We take these as 'feminine' qualities.
Nature, in its fullest sense, exhibits both male and female traits. That which science calls the Unified Field is the stable, unchanging support of creation. It simply IS, like a rock. This is a male quality, and religionists who personify this unmanifest nature rightly call it 'God'.
Manifest nature is the opposite -- it is decidedly female. It nurtures us with life and promotes our growth. It is beautiful, charming, complex, mysterious, and seductive. It absorbs our mind and senses in its ever-changing ways. This is the side of nature we commonly call Mother Nature for its female qualities.
Yet rather than personifying this as 'Goddess', patriarchal religionists stubbornly call it the Body of God. And they name the natural laws that nurture life as God's Law, or Will.
Perhaps the reason for the refusal is our distaste for dualism in our Deity. We like our monotheistic idea of One God. But this does not present a problem if we fully understand the relation between God & Goddess. They are not two separate deities; they are two aspects one reality. Our understanding of nature proves it to be so. Though the 'male' Unified Field is distinct in quality from 'female' manifest nature, it is absurd to say they are two separate natures. There is one nature, and it is both male and female together.
An example closer to home may clarify the connection. The link between God & Goddess exists at every level of creation. Even in our everyday world there is a part of things that is stable and non-changing (male) and a part that changes and evolves (female). One part of everything IS, while the other part DOES. You are still you, even while you do different things, change and grow old. You exist, you ARE -- that is God in you. Everything you do is the Goddess in you. You even call it your nature. Whether you're artistic, scientific, athletic, entrepreneurial, or whatever, that's your nature.
This even extends to inanimate objects. A ball is a ball, whether it's rolling, bouncing, or flying through the air. Its existence as a ball is God in it. Its various changing states are Goddess.
From these examples, you can see unbreakable connection between God & Goddess. She is as inseparable from Him as burning power is from fire and wetting power is from water. They are as bound together as a lion and its roar and striking power. They are like clay and forms made of clay -- you can't separate the clay from the form. They are two sides of the same coin.
In the same way that you can't divorce yourself from your own nature, God and Goddess are one. She is as inseparable from Him as, well...His Own Nature.
Indeed, the eternal union of God & Goddess is the entire foundation of sacred sex. It describes life as it is, and as we are.
So we might say it's not that the Goddess doesn't exist in Western religion, it's that She's in drag -- She is disguised as part of the male Deity. Or rather, the patriarchs have dressed Her in their image. Instead of God & Goddess, they present God & God's Will. In place of God and the manifest Goddess, they give us God and the Body of God.
In the first Genesis account of man's creation (there are two, Gen. 1.26-27 and Gen. 2.7-23), the one made 'in his image', the picture of God is very different than the male-only portrayal taught by contemporary religion. The main verse is typically translated as:
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"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." -- Gen. 1.27; King James Version |
The second portion hints at the truth, that male and female together are the Divine Image, but the first part deceivingly distorts this. In "So God created man in his own image", the word 'man' is translated from the Hebrew adam. This word has become so ingrained in our minds as the name of the first male human, that few even realize the Hebrew word adam refers to a human being without regard to gender. The correctly translated passage reads, "So God created humanity in his own image..."
Indeed, man & woman together as the Divine Image is the only way to affirm the Creator's completeness. If we accept the interpretation that man only is created in God's Image, and that woman is an afterthought, we are left to explain this:
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"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. -- Gen. 2.18 |
Are we to assume that man, created in God's Image, is incomplete and in need of help? God too, then, must be the same. Either man & woman together are created in the Divine Image, or the Divine is lacking.
In case there remains any debate over this, human anatomy offers biological proof that the Divine Image is both male & female. Every human being, regardless of gender, begins life in the womb with formative male and female reproductive systems and identical sex organs. That not only means it is impossible that man alone is in God's Image with woman secondary, but also that our Creator (if we are made in that Image) is fundamentally dual-gendered. You can learn all about this in the Male/Female Androgyny Forum.
Not every religion denies the Divine Feminine. In fact, Eastern spiritual traditions have a much more gender-balanced view of things. These are strikingly similar to the sacred sex view.
Oriental Taoism presents the idea in a non-deified way. Taoists apply the concepts of yin & yang (female & male, respectively) to all of life. They even graphically portray them in a way that shows their interrelation. The two are not only symmetrical opposites flowing into each other, but also each is found as a dot within the other.
India has an even richer portrayal of God & Goddess, one that amazingly reflects our prenatal biology. One of their names for the Goddess is Shakti. Her male consort is often referred to by the related name Shakta. And in many pictures, Shakti & Shakta are even depicted as two sides of the same being. Indeed, in the scripture titled '1000 Names of the Goddess', one of the names is, "She Who Is Half The Body Of Her Husband". The Hindus have a special name for this dual nature of their Deity -- Ardhanari, which means 'half-woman'.
For more images, see our Sacred Sex Art Archive.
The Vedic tradition of India further asserts that, while God & Goddess are 'opposites', both are equally Divine and Sacred. The following text from the Upanishads, among India's highest scriptures, describe the identical character of the two, distinguishing them only by 'this' and 'that':
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Purnamadah purnamidam
purnat purnamudacyate
Purnasya purnamadaya
purnameva vashisyate
That is full, this is full,
from fullness, fullness comes forth.
Fullness arising from fullness,
fullness remains.-- Isha Upanishad |
The verse describes both as 'full'. This is very telling, especially in a sexual context, where it is easy (and common) to argue that God, represented by the male organ (lingam), is full, while the Goddess, represented by hers (yoni), is empty. But BOTH are full, just in different ways.
God is full in Infinite Unity. Goddess is full as the Infinite Sum of Parts. She is full as our infinite universe -- comprised of an infinite quantity of finite parts. Other Eastern texts point to this character of the Goddess as the 'Body of God' -- manifest creation:
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Shakti is the creative energy of the Universe,
And the Universe is her fascinating body;
Shakti is the basis of the entire world;
She is the intimate substance of any body.-- Shaktisangama Tantra |
As represented in their generative organs, Goddess is the field in which the seed of God grows to evolutionary fulfillment. Goddess is the entire material creation in which God makes Himself manifest. Without Him there is no seed. Without Her, the seed remains an unmanifest potentiality. Both God & Goddess together comprise the totality of life; this is their Sacred Union.
It's interesting to note that the Western religions that lack understanding of the Goddess have philosophical and/or moral dilemmas regarding areas of life over which She presides. For example in Judaism, the parent monotheistic faith, there has been debate over whether God is transcendent or imminent -- i.e. whether God is impersonal and uninvolved in the world or personal and involved in our daily lives. Sacred sex gives the simple answer: He is both. Or rather, God is impersonal and uninvolved and the Goddess is personal and involved.
Jewish Kabbalah (a branch teaching) does have a term that refers to the feminine side of God -- 'Shekhinah', which means presence. It is used to denote the presence of God, and in that sense, does compare to the idea of Goddess as personal and involved. It's main text, the Zohar, describes Shekhinah's relationship to God thus:
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The Holy One is not called 'One' if not united with the Shekhinah.... And when the Holy One joins with the Shekhinah, this verse is fulfilled: "on that day Hashem shall be One, and His Name One".
As for the Holy One and His Shekhinah...there is no separation or division, as the Shekhinah is His unity, His blessing, and His Holiness.-- Zohar |
However, mainstream Judaism does not teach this idea.
Christianity's dilemma is a moral one. It struggles with human desire and worldly pleasures. Because it lacks understanding of the Goddess and Her role in using these for good, Christianity labels them as sinful. This is fully discussed in the Sacred Desire, Myth of Evil, and Sacred Sex Values Forums.
Finding the Goddess in religion and scripture is one thing, but seeing Her in yourself is far more important, practical, and rewarding. Fortunately, She's impossible to miss. We see and acknowledge Her every day, but like the scientists and religionists we typically don't name Her as Goddess. We've already tipped off Her presence above; it's in the word 'nature'. The Goddess is your personal nature, literally.
Your personality - the way that you are, by nature - and your material form (body) are the Goddess in you. She desires, thinks, speaks, and acts through you. With every breath you take, you are an instrument of God. God's instrumentality is the Goddess. Of course, if you don't like the idea of God & Goddess, you can just see them as the male & female in you that together make you whole.
When you follow your nature - your natural desires, thoughts, and actions - you are following the Goddess. And Nature, the Goddess, guides all evolution in creation. Following your nature is the way to become an evolved being.
Following your nature applies here in two ways. First in a general sense, it brings your life into harmony with universal nature, and is part of your Sexual Enlightenment. This is so fundamental to life that we dedicate an entire Forum to it, called Follow Your Heart.
Second, following your nature specifically applies to sex and sexual desire. Many spiritual-minded people see their sexuality as a hindrance or obstacle. The fact that it's your nature means you should follow it, and use it the way nature uses everything -- for evolution. You do this through sacred sex. You can learn more about this in the Sacred Desire Forum.
How much you see, appreciate, and honor the Goddess within you depends on how attuned you are to your nature. If you ignore or deny or otherwise abandon your nature, you become stressed and hardened, not likely even to acknowledge a 'Goddess' in your life. But if you live naturally, following your natural tendencies and evolving as a human being, your heart will be happy and open, and naturally flowing in love for life, which is nothing other than the Goddess. More than that, your personal nature will get support from universal nature. This is when you truly see Her for the Goddess She is, orchestrating events in your life that only the Goddess of Creation could. This side of Her is explained in the Sexual Enlightenment Forum.
Then you truly become a Goddess Worshipper, loving and adoring Her for the good She brings to your life. This adoration is not based on faith or belief; it is founded on personal experience of Her Presence and influence in your life.
Goddess Worship can be expressed in many ways. Mainly, it is a quiet inner love that flows to Her in gratitude for all She brings to your life. However, you may also choose to express your adoration outwardly. Sacred sex offers ways to do this.
Sacred sex views every woman as an embodiment of the Goddess. While it's true that the Goddess resides equally in everyone, male or female, Her Divine Feminine Nature is most easily recognized in women. For that reason She is commonly adored as abiding in the female form. Men (and other women) can show their gratitude and affection by their general treatment of women, and also by special attention during lovemaking. For more discussion of this, see Sacred Sex Worship for Her. You can also worship through formal rituals, either handed down by tradition or personally created by you and your lover. For more on this, see the Sacred Sex Ritual Forum.
Whether you acknowledge it inwardly, or express it outwardly, everyone is already a Goddess Worshipper, even now. Desires for health, happiness, love, success, wealth, power, fame, and others, are all appeals by you for the Goddess to bring more into your life. They all come to you by virtue of the laws of nature. Desire for them equates to desire for more & more of nature - the Goddess - in your life.
And whether you call it Goddess Worship or prefer the male version adoring God's Nature, or call it nothing at all except the nature of life, it is still the same. She is always there, whether you choose to call Her by name or not.
She IS the Nature of Life.
Sacred sex is often called the Way of the Goddess. This simply means that it uses qualities attributed to the Divine Feminine - love, sensuality, and desire - to lead you to awakening. Of course there are other paths that use different means and go by different names. Which you choose is up to you. Just follow your nature.
Of course in following nature, you are worshipping the Goddess by definition...whether you admit it or not.
Copyright 2007, Society for Sacred Sexuality - all rights reserved.
_________________ Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it. |
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russ Active User
Joined: 25 Dec 2004 Posts: 159 Location: Indianapolis
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goddess in the house Posted: March 28, 2005 |
The Goddess is both our body and the earth. Goddess worship always venerates both the earth and women in specific. As spiritual beings living in an earthly { all of the elements of life on earth are replicated in our physical bodies} we are both male and female individually. Male or female physically, female or male interiorly -anima or animus. One of the benefits of conscious sacred sexuality practice is a facilitating of male/ female balance in each lover.
This state of balance is the prerequisite for the transformation of our bodies, minds and emotional natures into ONENESS AND UNITY with the Solar power "The Tantric Marriage of Shiva and Shakti". Heaven and Earth fully integrated in the Body . _________________ To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu |
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Re: goddess in the house Posted: March 30, 2005 |
russ said: |
The Goddess is both our body and the earth....all of the elements of life on earth are replicated in our physical bodies.... |
That's a great point, Russ. Whether we accept & appreciate the 'Goddess' terminology or not, it's an inescapable truth that we are nature, and nature is us. Coming to peace & harmony with that in some way or another is essential to our quality of life as human beings. _________________ Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it. |
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russ Active User
Joined: 25 Dec 2004 Posts: 159 Location: Indianapolis
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Male and Female created he them Posted: October 25, 2008 |
It has been posited that Original Man was Bi Sexual , both male and female . Man's body had two sides : one masculine , the other feminine , just as Gary has described God in "the joke " above .
The biblical statement that :"God saw that it was not good for man to be alone" actually means :"God saw that it was not good for man to be All One " Thus the male and female aspects were seperated leaving a "remnant" of the other in each . Thus the origin of the idea that each of us has a " Soul Mate "who we are seeking in our lives . _________________ To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu |
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archetypal duo-sexuality Posted: November 3, 2008 |
I think the lore of humanity being both male & female in the beginning is mainly a reference to God & Goddess within each of us. Thus we are created 'in the image of' the Divine, which is also that way. Of course, it is true that even in our modern form, we each have male and female body parts (or remnants), including sexual & reproductive organs -- see Male/Female Androgyny.
All this means we have to be very careful what language we use, so as not to cause confusion or put one gender above the other. For example:
russ said: |
It has been posited that Original Man was Bi Sexual... |
Bi-sexual typically refers to sexual orientation, where as we're talking more about gender. I prefer the term 'duo-sexual' or 'dual-gendered', or something similar.
Also, if we're indeed both male & female, then you can't really use the term 'Original Man' because s/he was just as much 'Original Woman'. Part of the confusion here is just in our common use of the word 'man' to refer to mankind in general, including women. Here though, when we're discussing details, we have to be clear.
This also relates to the flawed Biblical interpretation of Adam & Eve, which presumes that man was created first, in God's image, and woman is like an afterthought, merely a 'helpmate'. As explained in the main lesson above, 'Adam' in Hebrew refers simply to a human being, without regard to gender. Genesis 1:27 suggests that both genders together comprise the divine 'image':
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"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." -- Gen. 1.27; King James Version |
As for your statement that 'alone' actually means "all one", you may be onto something.
I did some research -- there's no entry in Strong's Biblical Concordance, but in a general etymology reference, 'alone' is a contraction of the Old English phrase 'all ana'," meaning "wholly one". That means the correct Biblical interpretation is as you suggest: God saw that it was not good for us to be whole, so He separated male from female so we could regain wholeness in physical form. That fits exactly with the gender evolution model I present in Gender Roles.
Basically, evolution is a circle -- we are created whole, in the image of the Divine, then we are separated and cast into this physical world (out of Eden) in order to regain wholeness through Sacred Union. _________________ Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it. |
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